Thursday 18 April 2013

Wild about Garlic 

April is normally filled with warm spring days, the farm fields are filled with lambs and trees are budding into life it seems a long time coming this year and I am hoping this means that a late spring will mean a hot summer ! Ever the optimist ! that's me....

Mark and I have been out collecting the first of the seasons Wild Garlic Leaves which grow in abandon at the roadsides, we make a lovely mellow tasty Wild Garlic Pickle from the leaves we gather here in the Lake District,and I have put a recipe below should you wish to have a go and make your own, It is not quite the same as the one we make but it works well for smaller quantities and will fill your kitchen with a wonderful fragrance too. 

Ours is not in in store just yet as we need more leaves to grow and the time for the pickle to develop its flavours but keep on checking the website.

One way in which to use your Wild Garlic leaves is simply to cook them in a pan for just a few seconds with a little butter and chopped garlic,and plenty of black pepper, they make a wonderful side dish to serve with meat and fish. 
Like spinach leaves they need just a little heat to wilt that is all. 
I also use them in a stir fry, just at the very end, when the pan comes off the heat, add some of the leaves and just allow the residual heat to soften and they are ready to serve. 

Just be sure to wash the leaves well before you use them as ones gathered from the roadside are often doggy piddled on !

Wild Garlic Pickle
10-30 mins to prepare
Makes  4 1lb jars

450g/1lb each of the following :- 
Wild Garlic Leaves, washed thoroughly and roughly chopped, Cauliflower Florets, chopped and de-seeded mixed Red & Green Peppers, Green beans top & tailed, and 225g/ ½ lb Onion roughly chopped.

340g/ 12 oz coarse sea salt ( we use Halen Mon Anglesey Sea Salt)
750ml/1 ¼ pint white malt vinegar
1 tbsp ground mustard seeds, (or Mustard Powder – not gluten free )
1 tbsp each Ground Ginger and Ground Turmeric and whole yellow mustard seeds
3 Gloves of Garlic chopped
175g/60z light brown sugar
2-3 tbsp cornflour

Jars – Prepare the jars, wash in warm soapy water and dry in a warm oven 
( 130c /250f for 10-15 mins)

Place all the vegetables except the garlic leaves in a bowl (non metal) and sprinkle with salt, mix well and leave in a cool place overnight.

Put the vinegar into a large saucepan, add the spices and bring to the boil, reduce the heat to a simmer.

Drain the vegetables, rinse well and add to the vinegar, cook on a low heat for 20 minutes, add the sugar and mix well

Add the Wild garlic and cook for a minute further allowing any excess water to cook away.

Mix 2tbsp of cornflour with a little water and blend in cooking for a further minute to a glossy thick consistency, adding a little more cornflour & water mix if needed.

Remove from the heat and leave to cool for 15-20 minutes, fill the jars whilst still warm, add a disc of wax paper and fasten the lid tightly.

Store somewhere cool and dark for about a month before eating allowing for the flavours to develop.

Perfect to serve with picnics and salads. 

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