Tuesday 16 June 2009

Long day driving

It's funny how you get so used to only coming across the odd sheep, lamb or deer in the road, the only hold ups are the blessed road works (re-surfacing -don't get me started) or the odd tractor pulling out of the field with much spreader dripping from the back - note to self don't get too close!

But today I went on the motorway - no big deal but I don't do it very often these days and I remembered my dad saying to me about the speed of driving on the motorway and it all felt very relevant today. At some points I admit to driving a touch over the limit (actually about 75mph) and I was the fastest thing on the road, at other points I was doing 70 and quite honestly the slowest with everything zooming past, it's weird. Then I recalled my dad saying that you have to bear in mind that if everyone is driving at the same or similar speed then the 5mph difference can make all the difference. I forgot how agressive some drivers are in cities, where four or five lanes of traffic converge and you have to negociate yourself from one side to the other, working out what is going on in front, behind and both sides, whilst listening to the Sat Nav wittering along about turning when there is no turn just an amalgamation of lanes.

Driving along country lanes is a delight in comparison, but I guess it's what you are used to, I like the lanes, I like the dark at night driving, I know the width of my car and where I can pull in safely to allow someone to pass, and where not too because the road falls away but is hidden from view. It comes down to what is comfortable what you are used to I know. But I wouldn't swap my green narrow country lanes for the four lane highway to hell that delivers so many irate and hot people into the cities every day. I like it calm, I like it quiet and I don't get road rage, I do get rabbits, squirrels, deer, pheasants and the odd owl sitting watching me tootal long on my merry little way.

Countryside or motorway - no choice for me....

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Brand new and hot off the press our new daily blog,

Well, it's been a funny old day here in Hawkshead, sun, rain, cool then warm. Everything really. We have been thinking Christmas - yes I know but we have to be ready for you all.